Friday, October 2, 2009

Work Samples Sheet (2nd Draft)

Here's the 2nd draft of my work samples sheet. Any suggestions or tips to make it better are always welcomed and appreciated.

Sidenote: The image on the lower left corner is the mural i was working on at school. it is located in the 'activity room' inside the Westwood College South Bay campus.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ok, I'm Back.

I haven't updated my blog in a while for several reason, but none you'd care to hear about. With that said, I will get started on some new models and show you my progress as well as upload some photos of a recent mural I "finished" at school. Thanks to anyone reading this for taking the time to check out my work.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Merick on Turntable

Here is the turntable for our character Merick.

Merick [Turntable] from Juan Ortiz on Vimeo.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Merick: Z-Brush [UPDATE]

After getting some feed back on the character we have made a few changes to the sculpt. I actually had to start the sculpt over again because of some issues I had with the 2nd version of the sculpt. So yes, I have sculpted the same character 3 times now. Hopefully this latest version is the best so far. No done with it yet, but getting there.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Character "Merick": Z-Brush Color [UPDATE]

Just a quick update on the character. I added the diamond symbol on his forehead and also did some more painting in Z-Brush on the ear.

Character "Merick": Z-Brush Color x Sketch

I guess I shall start this post by announcing that we have decided to change the name of our character from "Nero" to "Merick". I main reason being that one of our classmates already had a character named Nero.

The two images above are of our character Merick with some simple colorizing done in Z-Brush. The second image is a sketch off the character that Eric Griffith did to give me a idea of the look he was going for.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Character "Nero" Z-Brush Sculpt UPDATE

I took me a while and a few different methods but i finally got the look i was going for on his outfit. I am currently trying to get the details on the forearms and lower legs done. But here's the detail on his forehead.